You can help us improve our service by opting in to provide your data.
Note: You can still use the text scan feature even if you opt out of providing your data.
If you wish to help us improve our service by providing your photo data, please review the items listed below and tap Agree at the bottom of the screen.
Photo data gathered by our company will be stored without any personally identifiable information. Such photo data will only be used to improve our service.
We value your privacy when we use the data you provide. To protect your privacy, we will not process or store any photos scanned in chats for the purpose of improving our service.
The icon below will be displayed whenever your photo will be collected and used to improve our service.
By tapping the icon, you can review and change your agreement status at any time.
You can also change your agreement status by going to Settings > Privacy > Provide photo data for 'Text scan.'"