LINE Beacon Terms and Conditions of Use

LINE Beacon (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") offers useful information and features from beacons—hotspots located in stores and other locations. These beacons send information via Bluetooth to users' LINE accounts.
By using the Service, LY Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") will collect and use data related to beacon transmission to prevent abuse, distribute ads, and provide, develop, and improve our services. Collected data includes data on the physical beacon itself, transmission signal strength, duration and time of transmission, and your internal identifier assigned by the Company. This data will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Data may also be shared with companies providing LINE-related services or subcontractors of the Company.
Please read below for details on required settings to use the Service, access of information by official accounts, location guessing, and service optimization.

Required settings
In addition to enabling your device to receive beacon transmissions, you must also turn on LINE Beacon in your LINE settings to use the Service. Please note that denying LINE access to your location may disable the Service on certain devices.

Data provided to official accounts
Some beacons may require you to friend an official account to receive information from them in addition to the other conditions listed above. For those beacons to provide certain services, the relevant official account administrator may access data related to the beacon transmission. Some official account administrators may be able to guess your approximate location by comparing your transmission data to their beacon with the beacon's location. You can prevent official account administrators from accessing this data when you interact with beacons by going to Settings > Privacy > "Provide usage data" and turning off the Service. You can also block the relevant official account.

Location guessing and service optimization
If a beacon's official account administrator is partnered with the Company, the Company may be able to guess your approximate location by comparing beacon transmission data collected from your device with the beacon's location.
Although turning off the Service in your settings will stop LINE from collecting data related to beacon transmission, the Company may still continue to perform service optimization based on usage data it has already obtained. Disabling service optimization is handled via a separate setting.